When we started the bike, there was not a cloud in the sky. The good news is that we had wonderful unobstructed views of Manna Kea , the 13,000 foot volcano that defines the Island of Hawaii, and Haleakala, the 10,000 foot volcano on Maui. The bad news is that we fried. What can make this Ironman so challenging in addition to the heat are the winds on the way to Hawi, the northern most city on the Island, and today was no exception. The cross winds were so strong, I was almost blown off my bike 4 times. I passed three athletes who were not so fortunate to stay upright and were
I know that many of you who tracked my run have developed your own theory of what I did. Here is what really happened. I knew I was way off my goal when I started the run. I was happy with my swim and my bike
And then at mile 25.7, I turned on to Ali’I drive for the last ½ mile. With thousands of people aggressively drinking and cheering every athlete that runs by, it is nothing less than a thrill of a life time. It is also an indelible reminder to every athlete that an Ironman is first and foremost about finishing. My 3:52:10 marathon took me from 29th to 15th in my age group and was six minutes off my 2006 pace.
As I came across the finish line, Nannette, Gary, Alicia and Jim were working as volunteers presenting a real flower lei to each of the finishers. Having my wife and friends as my “official greeters” was very special to me.
Other special things during the day was seeing my training buddy, Scott Boylan, on the bike and twice on the run and shouting mutual words of encouragement. I also saw Raj twice on the run and was inspired by how well he was running on his two prostatic legs. I saw our friend and fellow triGeek, Kebby Holder on the run and she gave me a big “Go Mike.” She and her husband Reg were comfortably sitting in the finishing stands and cheered me on as I ran the last ¼ mile. Kebby took 8th in her age group with a 10:23. Way to go Kebby.
It is now Sunday, the day after the race. I am up and walking…even eating again. We went for a mile swim in Kona Bay….I can’t get enough of it, even though the coffee bar is gone. As I write this final blog for the trip, I want to thank all of you for flooding my e-mail box with great comments. I also want to thank all my training buddies for being there. And most importantly, I want to thank my wife Nannette for always being there….where ever there is.
Finally, in my speech, Keeping the Flame Lit for Life, I encourage my audiences to turn set-backs into learning experiences. Here are five key things I learned from missing my goal yesterday.
1. It is a lot easier to get on the podium as the youngest in your age group than the oldest.
2. In today’s highly competitive world, in an environment when bars are being raised on an hourly basis, staying the same is no longer good enough.
3. If you are someone who chases dreams and captures all of them, you probably aren’t dreaming big enough.
4. It really is all about the journey, not the destination.
5. No matter what goal you set, running the last ¼ mile down Ali’I Drive in the Ironman World Championship is a thrill of a lifetime!
2. In today’s highly competitive world, in an environment when bars are being raised on an hourly basis, staying the same is no longer good enough.
3. If you are someone who chases dreams and captures all of them, you probably aren’t dreaming big enough.
4. It really is all about the journey, not the destination.
5. No matter what goal you set, running the last ¼ mile down Ali’I Drive in the Ironman World Championship is a thrill of a lifetime!
From Marty Mercer: when I grow up, I want to be like Mike!
Mike, AMAZING, loved every day's stories and these finishing lessons learned, you raise the bar for all of us! Congratulations to a great Iron Man!
CONGRATS! What an amazing journey to follow. . . thank you for sharing your experience and what you have learned, IRONMAN MIKE!
CONGRATS! What an inspirational journey to follow. . . thank you, IRONMAN MIKE!
CONGRATS! What an amazing journey to follow. . . thank you for sharing. CONGRATS IRONMAN MIKE!
Unbelievably awesome Mike!
Wonderful Mike!!! you had a fantastic day! I am always excited and amazed to share part of the journey with you!!! Always inspiring each of us to bloom where we are planted in every given moment. Safe travels home my friend!
Congrats on your incredible accomplishment. The words make the imagine run wild and have allowed me to dream big of one day writing a race report of Kona the way you did.
Thank you for chrnociling this experience and allowing us in cyberworld to share it with you.
Just think, you will be the youngest in your age group next year. Congrats on a job well done. And a big thanks for sharing your incredible experience with us as only you can.
Awesome day....thanks for sharing
Mike I am so proud of you. What a great accomplishment and I love that you have added the key learnings to your keeping the flame alive work...
Mike, I am so proud to know you! You're such an AWEsome spirit and inspiration! WoW, you're amaZing!
Only two things come to mind:
(1)Your performance in this event was nothing short of amazing (as always).
(2) Everybody here is talking about how proud they are of you - and I can understand that - but, hell, I'm damned proud of me just for knowing you!
-- Steve Williams
www. Optimal-Focus.com
Mike, Way to go! I'm very proud of you. And, just think, next year you'll be the YOUNGEST in your age group!
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